The months of the year used with the Gregorian calendar in the Ukrainian language differ from the original Latin month names:
No. | English name | Ukrainian name | Transliteration | Ukrainian meaning |
1 | January | Січень | Sičen' | month of cutting (chopping wood, or biting frost) |
2 | February | Лютий | Ljutyj | cruel or frosty |
3 | March | Березень | Berezen' | month of the bereza (birch) |
4 | April | Квітень | Kviten' | month of flowering |
5 | May | Травень | Traven' | month of grass |
6 | June | Червень | Červen' | red month, meaning month when berries ripe and become red |
7 | July | Липень | Lypen' | month of the lipa (linden tree) |
8 | August | Серпень | Serpen' | month of the sickle |
9 | September | Вересень | Veresen' | month of heather |
10 | October | Жовтень | Žovten' | yellow month |
11 | November | Листопад | Lystopad | falling leaves |
12 | December | Грудень | Hruden' | month of frozen clods |